David Miscavige has ceaselessly advanced L. Ron Hubbard’s intention to provide the complete writings and lectures on Dianetics and Scientology to all people in all languages. With Mr. Hubbard’s works on the mind and spirit comprising over 75 million words, including some 2,500 recorded lectures, the codification, restoration, translation and publishing of these works was daunting. But by the close of 2009, the 25-year undertaking to restore all Dianetics and Scientology materials was finished and for the first time the entire body of Scientology Scripture became available in the exact chronology in which the material was originally delivered by Mr. Hubbard. The project and the works restored thereby are collectively referred to as the “Golden Age of Knowledge.”
The backdrop this Golden Age of Knowledge unfolded against is the Materials Guide Chart, a comprehensive guide long advised by L. Ron Hubbard and brought to life by Mr. Miscavige. It pictorially represents a chronology of Mr. Hubbard’s written and recorded materials and their interrelationships. In full, the Golden Age of Knowledge constitutes the single most sustained program in Scientology history to recover, restore and verify Scientology Scripture.
While Mr. Hubbard’s lectures had been collected from around the world and stored in archives, the poor quality of some of the original recordings and deterioration of master tapes significantly impaired mass reproduction. Consequently, the project to restore these lectures only became possible with advances in computer and digital technology. Mr. Miscavige was intimately involved with every aspect of this project.
To reclaim Mr. Hubbard’s lectures, Mr. Miscavige developed proprietary audio restoration technology and established one of the world’s most sophisticated sound restoration studios. He subsequently oversaw the restoration and preservation of all 2,500 recorded lectures.
Further, he dedicated thousands of hours to ensure that every word conformed precisely to Mr. Hubbard’s original works and that his recorded lectures were transcribed, reproduced and universally accessible. For only in this way can Scientologists chronologically study their religion in pure, unadulterated form.

No less crucial to the Golden Age of Knowledge scriptural restoration program was the largest global translations project in Church history, with all beginning books of Dianetics and Scientology made available in 50 languages and the broader scope of books and lectures available in 17 languages.
Given the sheer quantity and range of these materials, a publishing strategy was needed to ensure their production was viable in any language and in any quantity, no matter how small or large. Mr. Miscavige devised that strategy, and its realization is Bridge Publications in Los Angeles and New Era Publications in Copenhagen, Denmark. Together these organizations comprise the world’s only in-house, all-digital, print-on-demand publishing operation, cumulatively capable of printing 1.3 million books and producing 1 million compact discs weekly.
Completion of the Golden Age of Knowledge project made possible the next major advance—in fact, the turning point for the Scientology religion. That advance was the monumental launch of what has been described as a “Golden Age of Tech.”
It represents no less than the guarantee that Dianetics and Scientology training and processing (spiritual counseling) is 100 percent in accordance with L. Ron Hubbard’s direction and complete works, without alteration. As a result, the gates to spiritual progress for Scientologists are opened wide and the path has been made more accessible than at any time in history.
In order to bring about the Golden Age of Tech, David Miscavige personally reviewed every L. Ron Hubbard original, issue by issue, word by word, comma by comma. He saw to the research and compilation of dozens of new courses comprising Scientology spiritual technology; the verification of 2,400 pages of Scripture exactly as written by Mr. Hubbard; all administrative policy for its application and as a guarantee that it remain standard; and publication of monumental reference works specified by Mr. Hubbard but never before compiled.
This accomplishment was the culmination of tens of thousands of man-hours spent reviewing thousands of individual writings and recorded lectures, closing the door forever on any possibility of unauthorized additions, omissions or other alterations to Mr. Hubbard’s works.
The significance for the individual Scientologist is immense:
- Training in their religion with greater thoroughness and speed.
- Flawless and rapid spiritual counseling progress.
- And total confidence that all scriptural materials and procedures are 100 percent correct and standard.
Recovering, producing and broadly disseminating all materials of Dianetics and Scientology through the Golden Age of Knowledge and the Golden Age of Tech—this is the crowning achievement of Mr. David Miscavige. This is what led to the Scientology renaissance. And this is what will preserve the Scientology religion for all eternity.